Safewhere Identify REST API documentation
Retrieve all existing certificates by selected store location
If the certificate exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes certificates information json objects in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/certificates[?pageIndex&pageSize&sortBy&sortOrder&storeName]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
pageIndex | integer | 0 | Index of page that contains returned objects. If input 0 or invalid value to pageIndex, pageIndex will be set to 1 and pageSize will be set to 1000 |
pageSize | integer | 0 | Number of objects will be returned in a page. |
sortBy | string | Sort field supported values are: thumbprint, subject, isInUse, validTo. If sortBy is blank (or invalid value) then sortBy has default value is thumbprint |
sortOrder | string | Ascending | The sortOrder is Ascending or Descending. If sortOrder is Descending, list of returned objects will be sorted by descending. Others, list of returned objects will be sorted by ascending. |
storeName | string | DatabaseStore | Get list of certificates by store location(CurrentUser, LocalMachine, DatabaseStore or All of three). Default value is DatabaseStore |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the response is all certificates found |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Insert a X509Certificate2 by json object to selected store location.
Successful inserted X509Certificate2 is indicated with a 200 ("Inserted") response code and X509Certificate2 object is sent in response body
If the Service Provider determines inserting of the requested X509Certificate2 conflicts with existing resources, the Service Provider must return a 409 error.
POST /api/rest/v2/certificates?storeName
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*certificates | A base64 string X509Certificate2 that will be stored to selected store location |
*storeName | string | DatabaseStore | We have 2 options to put the upload certificate: DatabaseStore location or CurrentUser localtion |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Inserting is successful and return X509Certificate2 in response body. |
400 | When the input X509Certificate2 is invalid |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
409 | If there is existing certificate having thumbprint found |
Delete a certificate by selected store location
If the certificate exists and the operation is executed successfully, the server responds with a status code of 200.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/certificates/{thumbprint}[?forceDeleteInUse&storeName]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*thumbprint | string | The thumbprint of specific certificate by store location |
forceDeleteInUse | boolean | False | When this setting is set to true the system will force delete a certficate even if it is in use |
storeName | string | DatabaseStore | Remove a certificate by store location(CurrentUser, DatabaseStore). Default value is DatabaseStore |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | delete certificate succeed |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Certificate does not found |
409 | Any of certificate is used by a resource |
Retrieve an existing certificate by certificate's thumbprint based on selected store location.
If the certificate exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes certificate information json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/certificates/{thumbprint}[?storeName]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*thumbprint | string | The thumbprint of specific certificate by store location |
storeName | string | DatabaseStore | Get a certificate by store location(CurrentUser, LocalMachine, DatabaseStore or All of three). Default value is DatabaseStore |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the response is a certificate found by thumbprint. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there is no certificate found |
Delete many certificates by selected store location
If there is a certificate exists and the operation is executed successfully, the server responds with a status code of 200.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/certificates/many[?forceDeleteInUse&storeName]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*thumbprint | string | The list of certificates's thumbprint by store location |
forceDeleteInUse | boolean | False | When this setting is set to true the system will force delete a certficate even if it is in use |
storeName | string | DatabaseStore | Remove a certificate by store location(CurrentUser, DatabaseStore). Default value is DatabaseStore |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | delete certificates succeed |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Any of certificate does not found |
409 | Any of certificate is used by a resource |
Insert many X509Certificate2 by json objects to selected store location.
Successful array of inserted X509Certificate2 is indicated with a 200 ("Inserted") response code and X509Certificate2 object is sent in response body
POST /api/rest/v2/certificates/many[?uploadCertificateMode&storeName]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*certificates | The list of base64 string X509Certificate2 that will be stored to selected store location |
uploadCertificateMode | string | FromFile | We have 2 ways to upload certificate: FromFile or FromWindowStore. |
storeName | string | DatabaseStore | If uploadCertificateMode is FromFile. Then we have 2 options to put the upload certificate: DatabaseStore location or CurrentUser localtion. This parameter does not support when uploadCertificateMode is FromWindowStore |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Inserting is successful and return X509Certificate2 in response body. |
400 | When the input list of X509Certificate2 is invalid |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
409 | If there is any of existing certificate having thumbprint found |
Retrieve all claim definitions
If the claim definition exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes claim definition objects in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/claimdefinitions[?pageIndex&pageSize&sortBy&sortOrder]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
pageIndex | integer | 0 | Index of page that contains returned objects. If input 0 or invalid value to pageIndex, pageIndex will be set to 1 and pageSize will be set to 1000 |
pageSize | integer | 0 | Number of objects will be returned in a page. If input 0 or invalid value to pageSize, pageIndex will be set to 1 and pageSize will be set to 1000. Maximum value of page size is 1000. If input pageSize > 1000, then page size is 1000 |
sortBy | string | A field is used to sort list of returned objects. |
sortOrder | string | Ascending | The sortOrder is Ascending or Descending. If sortOrder is Descending, list of returned objects will be sorted by descending. Others, list of returned objects will be sorted by ascending. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Post request is successful |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Create a new Identify claim definition with the SCIM claim definition object inside the posted content
Successful creating a claim definition is indicated with a 200 ("created") response code.
POST /api/rest/v2/claimdefinitions
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*claimDefinition | this is the instance of FreeClaimDefinition or OptionalClaimDefinition or GroupClaimDefinition |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | The creation request successful and result will include the newly created SCIM claim definition json object. |
400 | When the input claim definition properties is invalid |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
409 | The posted object conflicts with existing resources; e.g., duplicate claimtype, variable name |
Fully update a Identify claim definition with the SCIM claimDefinition object inside the posted content
Successful updating a claim definition is indicated with a 200 (" Updated ") response code.
PUT /api/rest/v2/claimdefinitions
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*claimDefinition | Full SCIM claim definition json object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | The updating request is successful and result will include the updated SCIM claim definition json object. |
400 | The posted invalid object; e.g., empty claimtype, invalide json, variable name |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | When claim type does not exist |
409 | The posted object conflicts with existing resources; e.g., duplicate variable name |
Retrieve claim definitions by filtering
If the Resource exists the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes the result which is a SCIM claim definition json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/claimdefinitions/.filter[?filter&pageIndex&pageSize&sortBy&sortOrder&attributes]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
filter | string | The filter expression may be used to restrict results to one or more specific resource types |
pageIndex | integer | Index of page that contains returned objects. If input 0 or invalid value to pageIndex, pageIndex will be set to 1 and pageSize will be set to 1000 |
pageSize | integer | Number of objects will be returned in a page. If input 0 or invalid value to pageSize, pageIndex will be set to 1 and pageSize will be set to 1000. Maximum value of page size is 1000. If input pageSize > 1000, then page size is 1000 |
sortBy | string | A field is used to sort list of returned objects. Supported values are: claimType, friendlyName, avoidIssue, avoidUpsize, countSpecification, claimValueSpace, showAsColumnOnUserlist, sensitive, userEditable, restrictedSubOrganizationView. If sortBy is blank (or invalid value) then sortBy has default value is claimType |
sortOrder | string | Ascending | The sortOrder is Ascending or Descending. If sortOrder is Descending, list of returned objects will be sorted by descending. Others, list of returned objects will be sorted by ascending. |
attributes | string | The comma separator list of specific claim definition attributes to return. It is optional, if the value is empty then all attributes would be returned. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | When get filter request is successful |
400 | When there are invalid SCIM filter |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Query attributes of claim definitions
If the claim definitions exist, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes attributes of claim definition json objects in the body of the response. If not entering pagequery or data is not correct, will return all resources.
POST /api/rest/v2/claimdefinitions/.search
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*query | query object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Post request is successful |
400 | The posted invalid object; e.g., empty claimtype, invalide json, variable name |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Delete a claim definition by claimType
If the claim definition exists the server will delete it and responds with a status code of 200.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/claimdefinitions/{claimType}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*claimType | string | Claimtype of Identify claim definition |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Claim definition not found |
400 | The error happens during delete claim definition |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Retrieve a claim definition by an existing claim definition's claim type
If the claim definition exists the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes the result which is a SCIM claim definition json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/claimdefinitions/{claimType}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*claimType | string | Identify claim definition's claim type |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | If the get request is successful |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If the resource is not found |
Update properties of a claim definition
Successful updating properties of a claim definition is indicated with a 200 ("Updated") response code.
PATCH /api/rest/v2/claimdefinitions/{claimType}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*claimType | string | The claim definition's claim type (string formation) |
*operations | Successful updating properties of a claim definition is indicated with a 200 ("Updated") response code. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Updating claim definition's properties is successful and it will return an updated claim definition in response body. |
400 | When operations is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there is no claim definition found |
409 | Conflicting request |
Delete a claim definition by id
If the claim definition exists the server will delete it and responds with a status code of 200.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/claimdefinitions/{id}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*id | of Identify claim definition (Guid formation) |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Claim definition not found |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Retrieve a claim definition resource by an existing claim definition's id
If the claim definition exists the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes the result which is a SCIM claim definition json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/claimdefinitions/{id}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*id | string | Identify claim definition's id (Guid formation) |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | If the get request is successful |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If the resource is not found |
Delete claim definitions by claim types
If the claim definitions exists the server will delete them and responds with a status code of 200.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/claimdefinitions/claimtypes
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*claimTypes | The array of claim types |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Delete claim definitions succeed |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Delete claim definitions by ids
If the claim definitions exists the server will delete them and responds with a status code of 200.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/claimdefinitions/ids
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*ids | The array of claim id |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Delete claim definitions succeed |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Create a new list of Identify claim definition with list of SCIM claim definition object inside the posted content
Successful creating claim definitions is indicated with a 200 ("created") response code.
POST /api/rest/v2/claimdefinitions/many
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*claimDefinitions | this is the instance of FreeClaimDefinition or OptionalClaimDefinition or GroupClaimDefinition |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | If there is a claim that is created successfully. |
400 | If all claims are not created successfully |
Fully update array Identify claim definitions with the SCIM claimDefinition objects inside the posted content
Successful updating claim definitions is indicated with a 200 ("Updated") response code.
PUT /api/rest/v2/claimdefinitions/many
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*claimDefinitions | Array of full SCIM claim definition json object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | If there is a claim that is created successfully. |
400 | If all claims are not created successfully |
Get all connections.
If the connection exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes connection json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/connections[?pageIndex&pageSize&sortBy&sortOrder]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
pageIndex | integer | 0 | Index of page that contains returned objects. If input 0 or invalid value to pageIndex, pageIndex will be set to 1 and pageSize will be set to 1000 |
pageSize | integer | 0 | Number of objects will be returned in a page. If input 0 or invalid value to pageSize, pageIndex will be set to 1 and pageSize will be set to 1000. Maximum value of page size is 1000. If input pageSize > 1000, then page size is 1000 |
sortBy | string | A field is used to sort list of returned objects. Supported values are: name, enabled, accessOrganizationName. If sortBy is blank (or invalid value) then sortBy has default value is name |
sortOrder | string | Ascending | The sortOrder is Ascending or Descending. If sortOrder is Descending, list of returned objects will be sorted by descending. Others, list of returned objects will be sorted by ascending. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success |
Create a connection by json connection object
Successful creating a connection is indicated with a 200 ("created") response code and the created object is sent to response body
POST /api/rest/v2/connections
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*connection | Successful creating a connection is indicated with a 200 ("created") response code and the created object is sent to response body |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Create connection is successful and return connection in response body |
400 | When the input connection properties is invalid |
404 | If there is no connection found |
409 | When the input connection conflict with existing resources |
Update an existing connection
Successful updated a connection is indicated with a 200 ("Updated") response code and the updated object is sent in response body, metadataReference field is used to update quickly the configuration of a connection based on metadataFileUri or metadataXml. When updating a connection with a valid metadataReference, only configuration of the connection is updated, other fields (ex scopes, claimSets, appliedHomeRealmDiscoveryRules, dependencyConnectionNames, claimTransformations,...) are not updated.
PUT /api/rest/v2/connections
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*connection | Successful updated a connection is indicated with a 200 ("Updated") response code and the updated object is sent in response body, metadataReference field is used to update quickly the configuration of a connection based on metadataFileUri or metadataXml. When updating a connection with a valid metadataReference, only configuration of the connection is updated, other fields (ex scopes, claimSets, appliedHomeRealmDiscoveryRules, dependencyConnectionNames, claimTransformations,...) are not updated. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Updating connection is successful and return connection in response body |
400 | When the input connection properties is invalid |
404 | If there is no connection found |
409 | When the input connection conflict with existing resources |
Retrieve connections by filtering
If the Resource exists the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes the result which is a SCIM users json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/connections/.filter[?filter&pageIndex&pageSize&sortBy&sortOrder&attributes]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
filter | string | The filter expression may be used to restrict results to one or more specific resource types |
pageIndex | integer | 0 | Index of page that contains returned objects. If input 0 or invalid value to pageIndex, pageIndex will be set to 1 and pageSize will be set to 1000 |
pageSize | integer | 0 | Number of objects will be returned in a page. If input 0 or invalid value to pageSize, pageIndex will be set to 1 and pageSize will be set to 1000. Maximum value of page size is 1000. If input pageSize > 1000, then page size is 1000 |
sortBy | string | A field is used to sort list of returned objects. Supported values are: name, enabled, accessOrganizationName. If sortBy is blank (or invalid value) then sortBy has default value is name |
sortOrder | string | Ascending | The sortOrder is Ascending or Descending. If sortOrder is Descending, list of returned objects will be sorted by descending. Others, list of returned objects will be sorted by ascending. |
attributes | string | The comma separator list of specific connection attributes to return. It is optional, if the value is empty then all attributes would be returned. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | When get filter request is successful |
400 | When there are invalid SCIM filter |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Reset connection consent by its name
If the connection exists and the operation is executed successfully, the server responds with a status code of 200.
PUT /api/rest/v2/connections/resetconsent/{connectionName}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*connectionName | string | Connection's name |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | If the connection was found and consent has been reset. |
Delete an existing connection by its name
If the connection exists and the operation is executed successfully, the server responds with a status code of 200.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/connections/{connectionName}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*connectionName | string | Connection's name |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | If the connection was found and deleted |
Get an existing connection by its name
If the connection exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes connection json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/connections/{connectionName}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*connectionName | string | Connection's name |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the response is a connection found by name |
404 | If there is no connection found |
Update an existing connection.
Currently only support WS Federation Sign On, WS Federation Protocol, Saml Sign On, Saml Protocol.
PATCH /api/rest/v2/connections/{connectionName}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*connectionName | string | name of the connection |
*operation | The operation |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Updating connection's properties is successful and it will return an updated connection in response body |
400 | Invalid data supplied |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | No connection found |
Update certificates for a connection
Only support connections that contain certificate(s). If the Service Provider determines updating of the requested Resource conflicts with existing resources, the Service Provider must return a 409 error
PUT /api/rest/v2/connections/certificate
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*connectionCertificate | object contain connection name and applied certificates |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | The updating request is successful |
400 | When there are invalid data. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | When there are have resources not found |
409 | When the input connection certificate conflict with existing resources |
Get certificates of an existing connection by name
If the connection exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes array certificates json object in the body of the response
GET /api/rest/v2/connections/certificate/{connectionName}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*connectionName | string | Connection's name |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Return array certificates |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | When there are have resources not found |
Delete a claim transformation of connection if it existed
Successful deleting connection's claim transformation is indicated with a 200 ("Deleted") response code and includes connection object in response body.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/connections/transformation
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*connectionClaimTransformation | The SCIM object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | If there are no connection or claim transformation found |
400 | If connecion name or claim transformation name is empty |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | When there are have resources not found |
409 | When the input connection transformation conflict with existing resources |
Add a claim transformation into connection
Successful updated Resource is indicated with a 200 ("Updated") response code
If the Service Provider determines updating of the requested Resource conflicts with existing resources; the Service Provider MUST return a 409 error.
PUT /api/rest/v2/connections/transformation
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*connectionClaimTransformation | The SCIM object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Adding connection's claim transformation is successful and return connection in response body |
400 | If connecion name or claim transformation name is empty |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there are no connection or claim transformation found |
Delete a list claim transformations of connection if it existed
Successful deleting connection's claim transformations is indicated with a 200 ("Deleted") response code and includes connection object in response body.
If the Service Provider determines deleting of the requested Resource conflicts with existing resources; e.g, the Service Provider MUST return a 409 error.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/connections/transformations
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*connectionClaimTransformations | The SCIM object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | If there are no connection or claim transformations found |
400 | If connecion name or claim transformations name is empty |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | When there are have resources not found |
409 | When the input connection transformation conflict with existing resources |
Add a list of claim transformations into connection
Successful updated Resource is indicated with a 200 ("Updated") response code.
PUT /api/rest/v2/connections/transformations
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*connectionClaimTransformations | The SCIM object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Adding connection's claim transformation is successful and return connection in response body |
400 | If connecion name or claim transformations is empty |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there are no connection or claim transformations found |
Retrieve all existing groups.
If the group exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes groups json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/groups[?pageIndex&pageSize&sortBy&sortOrder]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
pageIndex | integer | Page index want to return. If 0 or invalid page index will set to 1 and page size set to 1000 |
pageSize | integer | Page size want to return. If 0 or invalid page size will set to 1000 and page index set to 1. Maximum value of page size is 1000. If input pageSize > 1000, then page size is 1000 |
sortBy | string | Sort field supported values are: name, accessOrganizationName. If sortBy is blank (or invalid value) then sortBy has default value is name |
sortOrder | string | Ascending | The sortOrder is Ascending or Descending. If sortOrder is Descending, list of returned objects will be sorted by descending. Others, list of returned objects will be sorted by ascending. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the will response the found groups. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Create a group by rest group json object
Successful creating group is indicated with a 200 ("created") response code.
POST /api/rest/v2/groups
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*group | a rest group json object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Creating a group is successful and it will return a group in response body. |
400 | When the rest group json is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
409 | When the rest group json is conflict, example: group name is exist in DB. |
Update an existing group by rest group json object
Successful updating group is indicated with a 200 ("Updated") response code.
PUT /api/rest/v2/groups
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*group | a rest group json object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Updating a group is successful and it will return an updated group in response body. |
400 | When the rest group json is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | When the rest group json is not found or group is in use. |
Retrieve groups by filtering
If the Resource exists the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes the result which is a SCIM groups json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/groups/.filter[?filter&pageSize&sortBy&sortOrder&attributes]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
filter | string | The filter expression may be used to restrict results to one or more specific resource types |
pageSize | integer | Page size want to return. If 0 or invalid page size will set to 1000 and page index set to 1. Maximum value of page size is 1000. If input pageSize > 1000, then page size is 1000 |
sortBy | string | Sort field supported values are: name, accessOrganizationName. If sortBy is blank (or invalid value) then sortBy has default value is name |
sortOrder | string | Ascending | The sortOrder is Ascending or Descending. If sortOrder is Descending, list of returned objects will be sorted by descending. Others, list of returned objects will be sorted by ascending. |
attributes | string | The comma separator list of specific group attributes to return. It is optional, if the value is empty then all attributes would be returned. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | When get filter request is successful |
400 | When there are invalid SCIM filter |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Delete an existing group by its name.
If the group exists and the operation is executed successfully, the server responds with a status code of 200.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/groups/{groupName}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*groupName | string | group's name |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success or there is no group found. |
401 | Unauthorized. |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there is no group found. |
Retrieve an existing group by its name.
If the group exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes group json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/groups/{groupName}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*groupName | string | group's name |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the will response the found group. |
400 | Not supply group name for request |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there is no group found |
Delete existing groups by names.
If the groups exists and are not in use then the operation is executed successfully, the server responds with a status code of 200.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/groups/many
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*groupNames | group's names |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | If there is a group that is deleted successfully |
400 | If all groups are not deleted successfully |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Retrieve all organizations resources.
If the organizations exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes organization json objects in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/organizations[?pageIndex&pageSize&sortBy&sortOrder]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
pageIndex | integer | Page index want to return. If 0 or invalid page index will set to 1 and page size set to 1000 |
pageSize | integer | Page size want to return. If 0 or invalid page size will set to 1000 and page index set to 1. Maximum value of page size is 1000. If input pageSize > 1000, then page size is 1000 |
sortBy | string | Sort field supported values are: name, accessOrganizationName. If sortBy is blank (or invalid value) then sortBy has default value is name |
sortOrder | string | Ascending | The sortOrder is Ascending or Descending. If sortOrder is Descending, list of returned objects will be sorted by descending. Others, list of returned objects will be sorted by ascending. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the will response the found child organizations. |
400 | When there are invalid data |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Create an organization by rest organization json object
Successful creating Organization is indicated with a 200 ("created") response code.
POST /api/rest/v2/organizations
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*organization | a rest Organization json object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Creating a Organization is successful and it will return a Organization in response body. |
400 | When the rest Organization json is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
409 | When the rest Organization json is conflict, example: Organization name is exist in DB. |
Update an existing organization by rest organization json object
Successful updating organization is indicated with a 200 ("Updated") response code.
PUT /api/rest/v2/organizations
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*organization | a rest organization json object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Updating a organization is successful and it will return an updated organization in response body. |
400 | When the rest organization json is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | When the rest organization json is not found or organization is in use. |
Retrieve organizations by filtering
If the resource exists the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes the result which is a SCIM organizations json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/organizations/.filter[?filter&pageIndex&pageSize&sortBy&sortOrder&attributes]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
filter | string | The filter expression may be used to restrict results to one or more specific resource types |
pageIndex | integer | Page index want to return. If 0 or invalid page index will set to 1 and page size set to 1000 |
pageSize | integer | Page size want to return. If 0 or invalid page size will set to 1000 and page index set to 1 |
sortBy | string | Sort field supported values are: name, accessOrganizationName. |
sortOrder | string | Ascending | The sortOrder is Ascending or Descending. If sortOrder is Descending, list of returned objects will be sorted by descending. Others, list of returned objects will be sorted by ascending |
attributes | string | The comma separator list of specific organization attributes to return. It is optional, if the value is empty then all attributes would be returned. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | When get filter request is successful |
400 | When there are invalid SCIM filter |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Delete an existing organization by its name.
If the organization exists and the operation is executed successfully, the server responds with a status code of 200.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/organizations/{organizationName}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*organizationName | string | organization's name |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | If there is no organization found. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If the organization is not found |
409 | If there is organization is in use. |
Get an existing organization by its name.
If the organization exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes organization json objects in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/organizations/{organizationName}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*organizationName | string | organization's name |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the will response the found organization. |
400 | When there are invalid data |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there is no organization found |
Get an existing childrens of an organization by its name.
If the organizations exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes organization json objects in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/organizations/{organizationName}/childs
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*organizationName | string | organization's name |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the will response the found child organizations. |
400 | When there are invalid data |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there is no parent organization or no child organization found |
Delete existing organizations by names.
If the organizations exists and are not in use then the operation is executed successfully, the server responds with a status code of 200.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/organizations/many
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*organizationNames | organization's names |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | If there is an organization that is deleted successfully |
400 | If all organizations are not deleted successfully |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Retrieve system setup information.
The server responds with a status code of 200 and includes system setup json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/systemsetup
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Response System setup settings . |
Update system setup information.
Successful updating system setup is indicated with a 200 and includes system setup json object in the body of the response.
PUT /api/rest/v2/systemsetup
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*systemSetup | The system setup JSON object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | the updating request is successful and result will include the updated SCIM system setup json object. |
400 | the posted invalid object |
Clean up sign on session data.
Sign on session data cleaned successfully is indicated with 200 status code.
POST /api/rest/v2/systemsetup/cleanupsession
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*cleanUpSessionData | Session data clean up JSON object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the sign on session data cleaned successfully. |
400 | The posted invalid object |
Retrieve license information.
The server responds with a status code of 200 and includes license json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/systemsetup/license
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Response license settings. |
Create a new transformation
Create a new transformation
POST /api/rest/v2/transformations
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*transformation | The transformation to create |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | the creation request is successful and result will include the newly created SCIM organization json object. |
400 | Invalid data supplied |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
409 | Conflicting request |
500 | Unexpected server error |
Update an existing transformation
Update an existing transformation
PUT /api/rest/v2/transformations
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*body | The transformation to update |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | the updation request is successful and result will include the updated SCIM organization json object. |
400 | Invalid data supplied |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
409 | Conflicting request |
500 | Unexpected server error |
Retrieve Transformations by filtering
If the Resource exists the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes the result which is a SCIM transformations json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/transformations/.filter[?filter&pageIndex&pageSize&sortBy&sortOrder&attributes]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
filter | string | The filter expression may be used to restrict results to one or more specific resource types |
pageIndex | integer | Page index want to return. If 0 or invalid page index will set to 1 and page size set to 1000 |
pageSize | integer | Page size want to return. If 0 or invalid page size will set to 1000 and page index set to 1 |
sortBy | string | Sort field supported values are: name, type, conditionNotApplyToRegisteredUsers, conditionNotApplyToUnregisteredUsers, accessOrganizationName, conditionExpression, cultureCode, executeBeforeLoadingClaimsFromLocalStore. |
sortOrder | string | Ascending | The sortOrder is Ascending or Descending. If sortOrder is Descending, list of returned objects will be sorted by descending. Others, list of returned objects will be sorted by ascending. |
attributes | string | The comma separator list of specific transformation attributes to return. It is optional, if the value is empty then all attributes would be returned. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | When get filter request is successful |
400 | When there are invalid SCIM filter |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Retrieve a claim transformation by name
If the claim transformation exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes claim transformation json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/transformations/{claimTransformationName}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*claimTransformationName | string | The claim transformation's name |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the response is a claim transformation found by name. |
400 | If claim transformation types is not one of these values: ExcludedPassThroughClaims, ExcludedIdentifyClaims |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there is no claim transformation found |
Delete an existing claim transformation by its name
If the transformation exists and the operation is executed successfully, the server responds with a status code of 200.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/transformations/{claimTransformationName}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*claimTransformationName | string | The claim transformation's name |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the delete request is success. |
400 | When claim transformation name is empty or invalid |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If the transformation not found |
409 | If the transformation is in use. |
Delete options of an exclude identify transformation which equal to claimtype
Successful deleted options is indicated with a 200 ("Deleted") response code.
If the Service Provider determines deleting of the requested Resource conflicts with existing resources; e.g, the Service Provider MUST return a error status code.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/transformations/excludeIdentifyClaimOptions
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*transformationRequest | The SCIM's json object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | When there is not transformationname found, there is not claimtype found, claimtransformation is not an Exclude Identify Claim Transformation |
400 | When there are invalid data: transformationname is miss or empty, claimtype is miss or empty. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Update an exclude identify claim transformation's claimtype rule
Successful updated resource is indicated with a 200 ("Updated") response code.
If the Service Provider determines updating of the requested resource conflicts with existing resources, the Service Provider must return a 409 error; e.g.
PUT /api/rest/v2/transformations/excludeIdentifyClaimOptions
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*excludeClaimTransformationOptions | The SCIM's json object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Updating exclude identify claim transformation's claimtype rule is successful and return exclude identify claim transformation in response body. |
400 | When there are invalid data: transformationname is miss or empty, claimtype is miss or empty. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | When there is not transformationname found, there is not claimtype found, claimtransformation is not an Exclude Identify Claim Transformation |
Delete options of an exclude passthrough which equal to claimtype
Successful deleted options is indicated with a 200 ("Deleted") response code.
If the Service Provider determines deleting of the requested Resource conflicts with existing resources; e.g, the Service Provider MUST return a error status code.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/transformations/excludePassthroughClaimOptions
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*transformationRequest | The SCIM's json object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | When there is not transformationname found, claimtransformation is not an Exclude Passthrough Claim Transformation |
400 | When there are invalid data: transformationname is miss or empty, claimtype is miss or empty. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Update an exclude passthrough claim transformation's claimtype rule
Successful updated resource is indicated with a 200 ("Updated") response code.
If the Service Provider determines updating of the requested resource conflicts with existing resources, the Service Provider must return a 409 error; e.g.
PUT /api/rest/v2/transformations/excludePassthroughClaimOptions
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*excludeClaimTransformationOptions | The SCIM's json object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Updating exclude passthrough claim transformation's claimtype rule is successful and return exclude passthrough transformation in response body. |
400 | When there are invalid data: transformationname is miss or empty, claimtype is miss or empty. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | When there is not transformationname found, claimtransformation is not an Exclude Identify Claim Transformation |
Test if the script can be compiled successfully or not
Test if the script can be compiled successfully or not
POST /api/rest/v2/transformations/testscript
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*model | The script json data to test |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | the script compiling testing request is successful and result is returned as a 'true' boolean value. |
400 | Invalid data supplied or the script is failed to compile |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
409 | Conflicting request |
500 | Unexpected server error |
Retrieve all users
The server responds with a status code of 200 and includes user json objects in the body of the response.
If not entering paging info or data is not correct, will return all records.
GET /api/rest/v2/users[?claimType&value&pageIndex&pageSize&sortBy&sortOrder]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
claimType | string | Claim definition' claim type |
value | string | Claim value of claim definition's claim type |
pageIndex | integer | Page index want to return. If 0 or invalid page index will set to 1 and page size set to 1000 |
pageSize | integer | Page size want to return. If 0 or invalid page size will set to 1000 and page index set to 1. Maximum value of page size is 1000. If input pageSize > 1000, then page size is 1000 |
sortBy | string | Sort field supported values are: displayName, active, groups, organization, forceResetPasswordAfterFirstTimeLogin. If sortBy is blank (or invalid value) then sortBy has default value is name |
sortOrder | string | Ascending | The sortOrder is Ascending or Descending. If sortOrder is Descending, list of returned objects will be sorted by descending. Others, list of returned objects will be sorted by ascending. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the will response all users. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Sorry, Users is not found. |
Create a user by rest user json object.
Successful creating user is indicated with a 200 ("created") response code.
POST /api/rest/v2/users[?sendPasswordEmailToUser]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*user | A rest user json object |
sendPasswordEmailToUser | boolean | False | When it is True, the user will be sent an email with a link to update his password – of course only if the user has an email specified with the account. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Creating a user is successful and it will return a user in response body. |
400 | When the rest user json is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
409 | When the rest user json is conflict, example: userName is exist in DB, email is duplicated, id is duplicated. |
Update an existing user by rest user json object
Successful updating user is indicated with a 200 ("Updated") response code. If old password exists then it validates the old password before update user. If the Service Provider determines updating of the requested Resource conflicts with existing resources; e.g, the Service Provider MUST return a 409 error.
PUT /api/rest/v2/users
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*user | A rest user json object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Updating a user is successful and it will return an updated user in response body. |
400 | When the rest user json is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | When the rest user json is not found. |
409 | When the rest user json is conflict, example: userName is exist in DB, email is duplicated, id is duplicated. |
Retrieve users by filtering
If the Resource exists the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes the result which is a SCIM users json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/users/.filter[?filter&pageIndex&pageSize&sortBy&sortOrder&attributes]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
filter | string | You can use the filter expression to restrict results to one or more specific resource types. The filter supports: |
pageIndex | integer | Page index want to return. If 0 or invalid page index will set to 1 and page size set to 1000 |
pageSize | integer | Page size want to return. If 0 or invalid page size will set to 1000 and page index set to 1. Maximum value of page size is 1000. If input pageSize > 1000, then page size is 1000 |
sortBy | string | Sort field supported values are: displayName, active, groups, organization, forceResetPasswordAfterFirstTimeLogin. If sortBy is blank (or invalid value) then sortBy has default value is name |
sortOrder | string | Ascending | The sortOrder is Ascending or Descending. If sortOrder is Descending, list of returned objects will be sorted by descending. Others, list of returned objects will be sorted by ascending. |
attributes | string | The comma separator list of specific user attributes to return. It is optional, if the value is empty then all user's attributes would be returned. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | When get filter request is successful |
400 | When there are invalid SCIM filter |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Delete a list of users by array of user id.
Successful action is indicated with a 200 ("OK") response code.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/users/.batch
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*ids | An array of user id, e.g. ["70f88f4c-201e-4f97-9783-ad000d1f55ae","dac90179-2434-4813-9c44-135e9a421998"] |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Action is successful with some users and an error message is included if any user in the input list is not deleted. |
400 | When the user id is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
409 | When the user data is conflict, example: username is exist in database, email is duplicated or id is duplicated. |
500 | An error occurred while inserting the users, possibility of some input data are duplicated or database errors. |
Create a batch of users by a rest users json array.
Successful creating users is indicated with a 200 ("OK") response code. Users are created in one batch operation and if there is an error occurred at any user, the whole batch is discarded.
POST /api/rest/v2/users/.batch[?sendPasswordEmailToUser]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*users | An array of users. For user decription detail, please refer to POST /api/rest/v2/users |
sendPasswordEmailToUser | boolean | False | When it is True, the user will be sent an email with a link to update his password – of course only if the user has an email specified with the account. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | The action is successful and it will return created users in response body. |
400 | When the user data is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | When the user is not found. |
409 | When the user data is conflict, example: username is exist in database, email is duplicated, id is duplicated. |
500 | An error occurred while updating the users, possibility of some input data are duplicated or database errors. |
Update existing users by a rest users json array.
Successful updating users is indicated with a 200 ("OK") response code. Users are updated in one batch operation and if there is an error occurred at any user, the whole batch is discarded.
PUT /api/rest/v2/users/.batch
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*users | An array of users. For user decription detail, please refer to PUT /api/rest/v2/users |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | The action is successful and it will return updated users in response body. |
400 | When the user data is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | When the user is not found. |
409 | When the user data is conflict, example: username is exist in database, email is duplicated, id is duplicated. |
500 | An error occurred while updating the users, possibility of some input data are duplicated or database errors. |
Update existing users status by a rest users status json array.
Successful action is indicated with a 200 ("OK") response code. Users status are updated in one batch operation and if there is an error occurred at any user, the whole batch is discarded.
PUT /api/rest/v2/users/.batchStatus
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*statuses | An array of objects that contains user identity claim and user status |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | The action is successful and it will return updated users status and users identity claim in response body. |
400 | When the input data is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | When the user is not found. |
500 | An error occurred while updating the users status, possibility of some input data are duplicated or database errors. |
Query attributes of users
If the users exist, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes attributes of user json objects in the body of the response.
POST /api/rest/v2/users/.search
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*query | User query |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the will response the found users. |
400 | When operations is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Delete an existing user by its user id.
If the user exists and the operation is executed successfully, the server responds with a status code of 200.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/users/{userId}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*userId | string | user's guid id |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | If there is no user found. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Get an existing user by its guid id.
If the user exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes user json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/users/{userId}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*userId | string | user's guid id |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the will response the found user. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there is no user found |
Update properties of a user
Successful updating properties of a user is indicated with a 200 ("Updated") response code.
PATCH /api/rest/v2/users/{userId}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*userId | string | The user's id (Guid formation) |
*operations | Successful updating properties of a user is indicated with a 200 ("Updated") response code. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Updating user's properties is successful and it will return an updated user in response body. |
400 | When operations is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there is no user found |
409 | Conflicting request |
Get current user profile.
If the user exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes user json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/users/myprofile
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the will response the found user. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there is no profile found |
Retrieve a list of all valid refresh tokens by user id
If the valid refresh token exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes valid refresh token objects in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/users/refreshtoken?userId[&pageIndex&pageSize&sortBy&sortOrder]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*userId | string | User's id |
pageIndex | integer | Page index want to return. If 0 or invalid page index will set to 1 and page size set to 1000 |
pageSize | integer | Page size want to return. If 0 or invalid page size will set to 1000 and page index set to 1. Maximum value of page size is 1000. If input pageSize > 1000, then page size is 1000 |
sortBy | string | Sort field supported values are: creationDate, expirationDate, refreshTokenExpirationDate. |
sortOrder | string | Ascending | The sortOrder is Ascending or Descending. If sortOrder is Descending, list of returned objects will be sorted by descending. Others, list of returned objects will be sorted by ascending. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the will response all refresh tokens by user id. |
404 | User not found |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Delete an existing refresh token.
If the refresh token exists and the operation is executed successfully, the server responds with a status code of 200.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/users/refreshtoken?refreshToken
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*refreshToken | string | Refresh token |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and delete refresh token succeed. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Retrieve a list of authenticators
Retrieve a list of all authentication connection which have configured second factor OTP authentication connection and that second factor OTP authentication connection have enableAuthenticatorFromMyProfile = true.
If the valid refresh token exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes valid refresh token objects in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/users/authenticators?userId
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*userId | string | User's id |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | NotFound |
Reset authenticator of a user.
If the refresh token exists and the operation is executed successfully, the server responds with a status code of 200.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/users/resetauthenticator?userId&connectionName
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*userId | string | User's id |
*connectionName | string | Second factor connection name |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | NotFound |
Enable user's authenticator
If the valid refresh token exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes valid refresh token objects in the body of the response.
POST /api/rest/v2/users/onboardauthenticator?userId&connectionName&secretCode
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*userId | string | User's id |
*connectionName | string | Second factor connection name |
*secretCode | string | Secret code |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success. |
404 | NotFound |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Retrieve a list of all protocol connections consents by user id
If the protocol connections consents exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes protocol connections consent objects in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/users/consent?userId[&pageIndex&pageSize&sortBy&sortOrder]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*userId | string | User's id |
pageIndex | integer | Page index want to return. If 0 or invalid page index will set to 1 and page size set to 1000 |
pageSize | integer | Page size want to return. If 0 or invalid page size will set to 1000 and page index set to 1. Maximum value of page size is 1000. If input pageSize > 1000, then page size is 1000 |
sortBy | string | Sort field supported values is: protocolConnectionName. |
sortOrder | string | Ascending | The sortOrder is Ascending or Descending. If sortOrder is Descending, list of returned objects will be sorted by descending. Others, list of returned objects will be sorted by ascending. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the will response all protocol connections consents by user id. |
404 | User not found |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Delete an existing consent.
If the consent exist and the operation is executed successfully, the server responds with a status code of 200.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/users/consent?userId&connectionName
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*userId | Guid | User id |
*connectionName | string | Protocol connection name |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and delete consent succeed. |
404 | User not found or connection not found |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Retrieve all locked users
The server responds with a status code of 200 and includes user json objects in the body of the response.
If not entering paging info or data is not correct, will return all records.
GET /api/rest/v2/lockedusers[?pageIndex&pageSize&sortBy&sortOrder]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
pageIndex | integer | Page index want to return. If 0 or invalid page index will set to 1 and page size set to 1000 |
pageSize | integer | Page size want to return. If 0 or invalid page size will set to 1000 and page index set to 1. Maximum value of page size is 1000. If input pageSize > 1000, then page size is 1000 |
sortBy | string | Sort field supported values are: displayName, active, groups, organization, forceResetPasswordAfterFirstTimeLogin. If sortBy is blank (or invalid value) then sortBy has default value is name |
sortOrder | string | Ascending | The sortOrder is Ascending or Descending. If sortOrder is Descending, list of returned objects will be sorted by descending. Others, list of returned objects will be sorted by ascending. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the will response all locked users. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Sorry, Users is not found. |
Unlock a locked user by its guid.
Successful unlocking user is indicated with a 200 response code.
PATCH /api/rest/v2/lockedusers
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*userId | string | The user's id (Guid formation) |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Unlocking a user is successful. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Sorry, Users is not found. |
409 | When the rest user json is conflict, example: userName is exist in DB, email is duplicated, id is duplicated. |
Retrieve all existing attribute service connections.
If the attribute service connection exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes attribute service connections json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/attributeservices[?pageIndex&pageSize&sortBy&sortOrder]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
pageIndex | integer | Page index want to return. If 0 or invalid page index will set to 1 and page size set to 1000 |
pageSize | integer | Page size want to return. If 0 or invalid page size will set to 1000 and page index set to 1. Maximum value of page size is 1000. If input pageSize > 1000, then page size is 1000 |
sortBy | string | Sort field supported values are: name, accessOrganizationName. If sortBy is blank (or invalid value) then sortBy has default value is name |
sortOrder | string | Ascending | The sortOrder is Ascending or Descending. If sortOrder is Descending, list of returned objects will be sorted by descending. Others, list of returned objects will be sorted by ascending. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the will response the found attribute service connections. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Create a attribute service connection by rest group json object
Successful creating attribute service connection is indicated with a 200 ("created") response code.
POST /api/rest/v2/attributeservices
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*attributeService | a rest attribute service connection json object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Creating a attribute service connection is successful and it will return a attribute service connection in response body. |
400 | When the rest attribute service connection json is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
409 | When the rest attribute service connection json is conflict, example: attribute service connection name is exist in DB. |
Update an existing attribute service connection by rest attribute service connection json object
Successful updating attribute service connection is indicated with a 200 ("Updated") response code.
PUT /api/rest/v2/attributeservices
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*attributeService | a rest attribute service connection json object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Updating a attribute service connection is successful and it will return an updated attribute service connection in response body. |
400 | When the rest attribute service connection json is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | When the rest attribute service connection json is not found or attribute service connection is in use. |
Retrieve attribute services connections by filtering
If the attribute services connection exists the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes the result which is a SCIM attribute services connections json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/attributeservices/.filter[?filter&pageSize&sortBy&sortOrder&attributes]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
filter | string | The filter expression may be used to restrict results to one or more specific resource types |
pageSize | integer | Page size want to return. If 0 or invalid page size will set to 1000 and page index set to 1. Maximum value of page size is 1000. If input pageSize > 1000, then page size is 1000 |
sortBy | string | Sort field supported values are: name, accessOrganizationName. If sortBy is blank (or invalid value) then sortBy has default value is name |
sortOrder | string | Ascending | The sortOrder is Ascending or Descending. If sortOrder is Descending, list of returned objects will be sorted by descending. Others, list of returned objects will be sorted by ascending. |
attributes | string | The comma separator list of specific attribute service attributes to return. It is optional, if the value is empty then all attributes would be returned. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | When get filter request is successful |
400 | When there are invalid SCIM filter |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Retrieve an existing attribute service connection by its name.
If the attribute service connection exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes attribute service connection json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/attributeservices/{attributeServiceName}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*attributeServiceName | string | Attribute service connection's name |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the will response the found attribute service connection. |
400 | Not supply attribute service connection name for request |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there is no attribute service connection found |
Delete an existing attribute service connection by its name.
If the attribute service connection exists and the operation is executed successfully, the server responds with a status code of 200.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/attributeservices/{attributeServiceName}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*attributeServiceName | string | Attribute service connection's name |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success or there is no attribute service connection found. |
401 | Unauthorized. |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there is no attribute service connection found. |
Retrieve all existing message queues.
If the message queue exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes groups json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/messagequeues[?pageIndex&pageSize&sortBy&sortOrder]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
pageIndex | integer | Page index want to return. If 0 or invalid page index will set to 1 and page size set to 1000 |
pageSize | integer | Page size want to return. If 0 or invalid page size will set to 1000 and page index set to 1. Maximum value of page size is 1000. If input pageSize > 1000, then page size is 1000 |
sortBy | string | Sort field supported values are: displayName, queueName. If sortBy is blank (or invalid value) then sortBy has default value is displayName |
sortOrder | string | Ascending | The sortOrder is Ascending or Descending. If sortOrder is Descending, list of returned objects will be sorted by descending. Others, list of returned objects will be sorted by ascending. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the will response the found groups. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Create a message queue by rest message queue json object
Successful creating group is indicated with a 200 ("created") response code.
POST /api/rest/v2/messagequeues
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*messageQueue | a rest message queue json object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Creating a message queue is successful and it will return a message queue in response body. |
400 | When the rest message queue json is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
409 | When the rest message queue json is conflict, example: message queue name is exist in DB. |
Update an existing group by rest message queue json object
Successful updating message queue is indicated with a 200 ("Updated") response code.
PUT /api/rest/v2/messagequeues
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*messageQueue | a rest message queue json object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Updating a message queue is successful and it will return an updated message queue in response body. |
400 | When the rest message queue json is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | When the rest message queue json is not found or message queue is in use. |
Retrieve message queues by filtering
If the Resource exists the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes the result which is a SCIM message queue json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/messagequeues/.filter[?filter&pageSize&sortBy&sortOrder&attributes]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
filter | string | The filter expression may be used to restrict results to one or more specific resource types |
pageSize | integer | Page size want to return. If 0 or invalid page size will set to 1000 and page index set to 1. Maximum value of page size is 1000. If input pageSize > 1000, then page size is 1000 |
sortBy | string | Sort field supported values are: displayName, queueName. If sortBy is blank (or invalid value) then sortBy has default value is displayName |
sortOrder | string | Ascending | The sortOrder is Ascending or Descending. If sortOrder is Descending, list of returned objects will be sorted by descending. Others, list of returned objects will be sorted by ascending. |
attributes | string | The comma separator list of specific message queue attributes to return. It is optional, if the value is empty then all attributes would be returned. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | When get filter request is successful |
400 | When there are invalid SCIM filter |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Delete an existing group by its name.
If the message queue exists and the operation is executed successfully, the server responds with a status code of 200.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/messagequeues/{displayName}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*displayName | string | Message queue's display name |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success or there is no message queue found. |
401 | Unauthorized. |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there is no message queue found. |
Retrieve an existing message queue by its display name.
If the message queue exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes message queue json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/messagequeues/{displayName}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*displayName | string | Message queue's display name |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the will response the found message queue. |
400 | Not supply message queue display name for request |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there is no message queue found |
Retrieve all existing shared configurable settings
If the shared configurable setting exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes shared configurable setting objects in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/sharedconfigurablesettings[?pageIndex&pageSize&sortBy&sortOrder]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
pageIndex | integer | Page index want to return. If 0 or invalid page index will set to 1 and page size set to 1000 |
pageSize | integer | Page size want to return. If 0 or invalid page size will set to 1000 and page index set to 1. Maximum value of page size is 1000. If input pageSize > 1000, then page size is 1000 |
sortBy | string | Sort field supported values are: name, resourceKey. If sortBy is blank (or invalid value) then sortBy has default value is name |
sortOrder | string | Ascending | The sortOrder is Ascending or Descending. If sortOrder is Descending, list of returned objects will be sorted by descending. Others, list of returned objects will be sorted by ascending. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the will response the found shared configurable settings. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there are no shared configurable settings found |
Create a new shared configurable setting.
Successful created an shared configurable setting is indicated with a 200 and includes created shared configurable setting json object in the body of the response.
POST /api/rest/v2/sharedconfigurablesettings
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*setting | The shared configurable setting JSON object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | the creating request is successful and result will include the created SCIM shared configurable setting json object. |
400 | When the shared configurable setting contains invalid data. |
401 | Unauthorized |
409 | The shared configurable setting is duplicated with exists one. |
Update an shared configurable setting by its id.
Successful updating an shared configurable setting is indicated with a 200 and includes updated shared configurable setting json object in the body of the response.
PUT /api/rest/v2/sharedconfigurablesettings
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*setting | The shared configurable setting JSON object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | the updating request is successful and result will include the updated SCIM shared configurable setting json object. |
400 | When the shared configurable setting contains invalid data. |
401 | Unauthorized |
404 | The shared configurable setting is not found |
Retrieve an existing shared configurable setting by its name
If the shared configurable setting exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes shared configurable setting object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/sharedconfigurablesettings/{settingName}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*settingName | string | Shared configurable setting name |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the will response the found shared configurable setting. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there are no shared configurable setting found |
Delete an existing shared configurable setting by its name
If the shared configurable setting exists and the operation is executed successfully, the server responds with a status code of 200.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/sharedconfigurablesettings/{settingName}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*settingName | string | Shared configurable setting name |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there are no shared configurable setting found |
Update properties of an existing shared configurable setting
Successful updating properties of an existing shared configurable setting is indicated with a 200 ("Updated") response code.
PATCH /api/rest/v2/sharedconfigurablesettings/{settingName}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*settingName | string | The shared configurable setting's name (string formation) |
*operation | Successful updating properties of an existing shared configurable setting is indicated with a 200 ("Updated") response code. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Updating shared configurable setting properties is successful and it will return an updated shared configurable setting in response body. |
400 | When operations is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there is no shared configurable setting found |
409 | Conflicting request |
Retrieve an existing shared configurable setting by its resource key
If the shared configurable setting exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes shared configurable setting object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/sharedconfigurablesettings/resourcekey/{resourceKey}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*resourceKey | string | Shared configurable setting resource key |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the will response the found shared configurable setting. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there are no shared configurable setting found |
Get an existing custom content by its name.
If the custom content exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes view content in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/customcontents/{name}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*name | string | Custom content's name |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the will response the found custom content. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there is no custom content found |
Delete an existing custom content by its name.
If the custom content exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 indicates that custom content was deleted.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/customcontents/{name}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*name | string | Custom content's name |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the delete operation is success. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there is no custom content found |
Update an existing custom content by its name.
If the custom content exists and the operation is executed successfully, the server responds with a status code of 200.
PUT /api/rest/v2/customcontents/{name}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*content | Custom content object in JSON format. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | If the custom content was found and updated |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there is no custom content found |
Retrieve all existing claims set.
If the claims set exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes claims set json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/claimsets[?pageIndex&pageSize&sortBy&sortOrder]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
pageIndex | integer | Page index want to return. If 0 or invalid page index will set to 1 and page size set to 1000 |
pageSize | integer | Page size want to return. If 0 or invalid page size will set to 1000 and page index set to 1. Maximum value of page size is 1000. If input pageSize > 1000, then page size is 1000 |
sortBy | string | A field is used to sort list of returned objects. |
sortOrder | string | Ascending | The sortOrder is Ascending or Descending. If sortOrder is Descending, list of returned objects will be sorted by descending. Others, list of returned objects will be sorted by ascending. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the will response the found list of claim set. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Create a claim set by rest claim set json object
Successful creating claim set is indicated with a 200 ("created") response code.
POST /api/rest/v2/claimsets
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*claimSet | a rest claim set json object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Creating a claim set is successful and it will return a claim set in response body. |
400 | When the rest claim set json is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
409 | When the rest claim set json is conflict, example: claim set name is exist in DB. |
Update an existing claim set by rest claim set json object
Successful updating claim set is indicated with a 200 ("Updated") response code.
PUT /api/rest/v2/claimsets
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*claimSet | a rest claim set json object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Updating a claim set is successful and it will return an updated claim set in response body. |
400 | When the rest claim set json is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | When the rest claim set json is not found. |
Get an existing claim set by its name.
If the claim set exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes claim set json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/claimsets/{claimSetName}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*claimSetName | string | Claim set's name |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the will response the found claim set. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there is no claim set found |
Delete an existing claim set by its name.
If the user exists and the operation is executed successfully, the server responds with a status code of 200.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/claimsets/{claimSetName}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*claimSetName | string | Claim set's name |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | If the claim set was found and deleted |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there is no claim set found |
Get an existing claim set by its id.
If the claim set exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes claim set json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/claimsets/{id}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*id | Guid | Claim set's guid id |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the will response the found claim set. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there is no claim set found |
Delete an existing claim set by its id.
If the user exists and the operation is executed successfully, the server responds with a status code of 200.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/claimsets/{id}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*id | Guid | Claim set's guid id |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | If the claim set was found and deleted |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there is no claim set found |
Send a link to reset password via user's email.
If sending an email to a user is successful, the server responds with a status code of 200.
POST /api/rest/v2/userselfservice/{userId}/resetpassword
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*userId | string | user's guidid |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and sent a link to set a new password. |
400 | Email has not been sent to the user. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | User not found or email template not found |
Return a link to offboarding an user.
If sending an offboarding an user is successful, the server responds with a status code of 200.
POST /api/rest/v2/userselfservice/{userId}/offboard
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*userId | string | user's guidid |
*user | A rest offboarding user json object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | When the offboarding request is posted successful, an offboarding response object is returned. Offboarding response object contains parameters: |
400 | When the rest offboarding user json is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | User not found |
Send an email to a user with an existing template.
If sending an email to a user is successful, the server responds with a status code of 200.
POST /api/rest/v2/communication/{userId}/{emailTemplateName}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*userId | string | user's guidid |
*emailTemplateName | string | Email template name |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success. |
400 | Email has not been sent to the user. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | User not found or email template not found |
Send an email to a user with customized email template and email server
This API is used to send an email to a user with customized email template and email server. The setting in configurations is not saved to database. If sending an email to a user is successfully, the server responds with a status code of 200.
POST /api/rest/v2/communication/{userId}/customizedEmailTemplateAndEmailServer
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*userId | string | user's guidid |
emailConfiguration | email configuration |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success. |
400 | Email has not been sent to the user. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | User not found or email template not found |
Send a SMS to a phone number with customized SMS gateway
This API is used to send a SMS to a phone number with customized SMS gateway. The setting in configurations is not saved to database. If sending a SMS to a phone number is successfully, the server responds with a status code of 200.
POST /api/rest/v2/communication/{phoneNumber}/customizedSmsGateway
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*phoneNumber | string | International phone number |
smsConfiguration | SMS gateway |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success. |
400 | SMS has not been sent to phone number. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Send a SMS to a phone number with custom SMS message and default SMS gateway
This API is used to send a SMS to a phone number with custom SMS message and default SMS gateway. The setting in configurations is not saved to database. If sending a SMS to a phone number is successfully, the server responds with a status code of 200.
POST /api/rest/v2/communication/{phoneNumber}/customizedSmsMessage
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*phoneNumber | string | International phone number |
smsMessage | Custom SMS message. If this field is empty, default SMS OTP code template(DefaultSMSOTPCodeTemplate) will be used |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success. |
400 | SMS has not been sent to phone number. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Retrieve all email server settings
The server responds with a status code of 200 and includes email servers json objects in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/emailconfiguration/emailservers[?pageIndex&pageSize&sortBy&sortOrder]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
pageIndex | integer | Page index want to return. If 0 or invalid page index will set to 1 and page size set to 1000 |
pageSize | integer | Page size want to return. If 0 or invalid page size will set to 1000 and page index set to 1. Maximum value of page size is 1000. If input pageSize > 1000, then page size is 1000 |
sortBy | string | Sort field supported values are: name, port, default, enableSsl, useDefaultCredentials, deliveryMethod. |
sortOrder | string | Ascending | The sortOrder is Ascending or Descending. If sortOrder is Descending, list of returned objects will be sorted by descending. Others, list of returned objects will be sorted by ascending. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the will response the found email servers. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Create an email server setting by email server setting json object
Successful creating email server is indicated with a 200 ("created") response code.
POST /api/rest/v2/emailconfiguration/emailservers
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*emailServerSetting | an email server json object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success. |
400 | Create email template failed because of bad data. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
409 | Email server name already exists |
Update an existing email server setting by email server setting json object
Successful updating email template is indicated with a 200 ("Updated") response code.
PUT /api/rest/v2/emailconfiguration/emailservers
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*user | an email server json object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success. |
400 | Update email template failed because of bad data. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Email server name not found |
Delete an existing email server setting by its name
If the email server exists and the operation is executed successfully, the server responds with a status code of 200.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/emailconfiguration/emailservers/{emailServerName}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*emailServerName | string | an email server name |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Email server name not found |
Retrieve all email template settings
The server responds with a status code of 200 and includes email templates json objects in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/emailconfiguration/emailtemplates[?pageIndex&pageSize&sortBy&sortOrder]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
pageIndex | integer | Page index want to return. If 0 or invalid page index will set to 1 and page size set to 1000 |
pageSize | integer | Page size want to return. If 0 or invalid page size will set to 1000 and page index set to 1. Maximum value of page size is 1000. If input pageSize > 1000, then page size is 1000 |
sortBy | string | Sort field supported values are: name, resourceKey. If sortBy is blank (or invalid value) then sortBy has default value is name |
sortOrder | string | Ascending | The sortOrder is Ascending or Descending. If sortOrder is Descending, list of returned objects will be sorted by descending. Others, list of returned objects will be sorted by ascending. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the will response the found email templates. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Create an email template setting by email template setting json object
Successful creating email template is indicated with a 200 ("created") response code.
POST /api/rest/v2/emailconfiguration/emailtemplates
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*emailTemplateSetting | an email template json object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success. |
400 | Create an email template failed because of bad data. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
409 | Conflict email template name with already existing one |
Update an existing email template setting by email template setting json object
Successful updating email template is indicated with a 200 ("Updated") response code.
PUT /api/rest/v2/emailconfiguration/emailtemplates
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*emailTemplateSetting | an email templates json object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success. |
400 | Update email template failed because of bad data. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Email template not found |
Retrieve all sms gateway configurations
The server responds with a status code of 200 and includes sms gateway configurations json objects in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/smsconfiguration/smsgateway[?pageIndex&pageSize&sortBy&sortOrder]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
pageIndex | integer | Page index want to return. If 0 or invalid page index will set to 1 and page size set to 1000 |
pageSize | integer | Page size want to return. If 0 or invalid page size will set to 1000 and page index set to 1. Maximum value of page size is 1000. If input pageSize > 1000, then page size is 1000 |
sortBy | string | Sort field supported values are: userName, providerType, isDefault, smsTemplateName. |
sortOrder | string | Ascending | The sortOrder is Ascending or Descending. If sortOrder is Descending, list of returned objects will be sorted by descending. Others, list of returned objects will be sorted by ascending. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the will response the found email servers. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Create a sms gateway configuration by sms gateway configuration json object
Successful creating sms gateway is indicated with a 200 ("created") response code.
POST /api/rest/v2/smsconfiguration/smsgateway
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*smsGatewayConfiguration | a sms gateway configuration json object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success. |
400 | Create sms gateway configuration failed because of bad data. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
409 | Sms gateway configuration name already exists |
Update an existing sms gateway configuration by sms gateway configuration json object
Successful updating sms gateway is indicated with a 200 ("Updated") response code.
PUT /api/rest/v2/smsconfiguration/smsgateway
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*smsGatewayConfiguration | a sms gateway configuration json object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success. |
400 | Update sms gateway configuration failed because of bad data. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Sms gateway configuration name not found |
Delete an existing sms gateway configuration by its name
If the sms gateway exists and the operation is executed successfully, the server responds with a status code of 200.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/smsconfiguration/smsgateway/{name}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*name | string | an sms gateway name |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Sms gateway name not found |
Retrieve all sms templates
The server responds with a status code of 200 and includes sms templates json objects in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/smsconfiguration/smstemplate[?pageIndex&pageSize&sortBy&sortOrder]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
pageIndex | integer | Page index want to return. If 0 or invalid page index will set to 1 and page size set to 1000 |
pageSize | integer | Page size want to return. If 0 or invalid page size will set to 1000 and page index set to 1. Maximum value of page size is 1000. If input pageSize > 1000, then page size is 1000 |
sortBy | string | Sort field supported value is name |
sortOrder | string | Ascending | The sortOrder is Ascending or Descending. If sortOrder is Descending, list of returned objects will be sorted by descending. Others, list of returned objects will be sorted by ascending. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the will response the found sms gateway configurations. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Create an sms template by an sms template json object
Successful creating sms template is indicated with a 200 ("created") response code.
POST /api/rest/v2/smsconfiguration/smstemplate
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*smsTemplateConfiguration | an sms template json object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success. |
400 | Create sms template failed because of bad data. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
409 | Sms template name already exists |
Update an existing sms template by an sms template json object
Successful updating sms template is indicated with a 200 ("Updated") response code.
PUT /api/rest/v2/smsconfiguration/smstemplate
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*user | an sms template json object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success. |
400 | Update sms template failed because of bad data. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Sms template name not found |
Delete an existing sms template by its name
If the sms template exists and the operation is executed successfully, the server responds with a status code of 200.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/smsconfiguration/smstemplate/{smsTemplateName}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*smsTemplateName | string | an sms template name |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Sms template name not found |
Get all applications.
If the application exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes application json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/applications[?pageIndex&pageSize&sortBy&sortOrder]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
pageIndex | integer | 0 | Index of page that contains returned objects. If input 0 or invalid value to pageIndex, pageIndex will be set to 1 and pageSize will be set to 1000 |
pageSize | integer | 0 | Number of objects will be returned in a page. If input 0 or invalid value to pageSize, pageIndex will be set to 1 and pageSize will be set to 1000. Maximum value of page size is 1000. If input pageSize > 1000, then page size is 1000 |
sortBy | string | A field is used to sort list of returned objects. Supported values is name. If sortBy is blank (or invalid value) then sortBy has default value is name |
sortOrder | string | Ascending | The sortOrder is Ascending or Descending. If sortOrder is Descending, list of returned objects will be sorted by descending. Others, list of returned objects will be sorted by ascending. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success |
Retrieve all authentication context method classes.
The server responds with a status code of 200 and includes authentication context method classes json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/authenticationcontextmethodclass[?pageIndex&pageSize&sortBy&sortOrder]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
pageIndex | integer | 0 | Index of page that contains returned objects. If input 0 or invalid value to pageIndex, pageIndex will be set to 1 and pageSize will be set to 1000 |
pageSize | integer | 0 | Number of objects will be returned in a page. If input 0 or invalid value to pageSize, pageIndex will be set to 1 and pageSize will be set to 1000. Maximum value of page size is 1000. If input pageSize > 1000, then page size is 1000 |
sortBy | string | A field is used to sort list of returned objects. Supported values are methodClass, id and comparableValue. If sortBy is blank (or invalid value) then sortBy has default value is methodClass |
sortOrder | string | Ascending | The sortOrder is Ascending or Descending. If sortOrder is Descending, list of returned objects will be sorted by descending. Others, list of returned objects will be sorted by ascending. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Response authentication context method classes. |
Create a new authentication context method class.
Successful created an authentication context method class is indicated with a 200 and includes created authentication context method class json object in the body of the response.
POST /api/rest/v2/authenticationcontextmethodclass
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*methodClass | The authentication context method class JSON object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | the creating request is successful and result will include the created SCIM authentication context method class json object. |
400 | When the authentication context method class contains invalid data. |
401 | Unauthorized |
409 | The authentication context method class is duplicated with exists one. |
Update an authentication context method class by its id.
Successful updating an authentication context method class is indicated with a 200 and includes updated authentication context method class json object in the body of the response.
PUT /api/rest/v2/authenticationcontextmethodclass
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*methodClass | The authentication context method class JSON object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | the updating request is successful and result will include the updated SCIM authentication context method class json object. |
400 | When the authentication context method class contains invalid data. |
401 | Unauthorized |
404 | The authentication context method class is not found |
Get an existing authentication context method class by its method class
If the authentication context method class exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes authentication context method class json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/authenticationcontextmethodclass/{methodClass}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*methodClass | string | Method class of authentication context method class |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the will response the found authentication context method class. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there is no authentication context method class found |
Delete an existing authentication context method class by its method class
If the authentication context method class exists and the operation is executed successfully, the server responds with a status code of 200.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/authenticationcontextmethodclass/{methodClass}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*methodClass | string | Method class of authentication context method class |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success. |
401 | Unauthorized |
404 | The authentication context method class is not found |
Get an existing correlation error by its id.
If the correlation error exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes correlation error json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/correlationerror/{correlationId}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*correlationId | Guid | Correlation error id |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the will response the found correlation error. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there is no correlation error found |
Delete an existing correlation error by its id.
If the correlation error exists and the operation is executed successfully, the server responds with a status code of 200.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/correlationerror/{correlationId}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*correlationId | Guid | correlation error id |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success. |
401 | Unauthorized |
404 | The correlation error is not found |
Query a list of correlation errors
If the correlation errors exist, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes attributes of user json objects in the body of the response.
POST /api/rest/v2/correlationerror/.search
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
query | Correlation error query |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the will response the found correlation errors. |
400 | When operations is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Add Text Resource
Create or Override a Text resource.
Successfully created a text resource or overrode an existing one.
POST /api/rest/v2/localization/text
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*body | The Text resource to add or update |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | The creating text resource item is successful and result will include the created SCIM text resource json object. |
400 | When the text resource contains invalid data. |
401 | Unauthorized |
Delete a text resource in a specific container
If the text resource exists and the operation is executed successfully, the server responds with a status code of 200.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/localization/text/{container}/{key}[?languageCode]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*container | string | The specific container of the text resource |
languageCode | string | The language code |
*key | string | The specific text resource key to be deleted |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | delete text resource succeed |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Text Resource does not found |
Add multiple Text Resources
Create or Override a list of Text resources.
Successful created provided text resources or overrided an existing ones.
POST /api/rest/v2/localization/text/bulkinsert
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*body | The Text resource to add or update |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | the bulk insert text resouces is successful. |
400 | When the text resources contains invalid data. |
401 | Unauthorized |
Add Text Resource container
Create or Override a Text resource container.
Successful created an text resource container or overrided an existing one.
POST /api/rest/v2/localization/container
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*body | The Text resource container to add or update |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | the creating text resource container is successful. |
400 | When the text resource contains invalid data. |
401 | Unauthorized |
Delete a text resource container with or without specific language.
If the text resource cantainer exists and the operation is executed successfully, the server responds with a status code of 200.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/localization/container/{container}[?languageCode]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*container | string | The specific container |
languageCode | string | The language code |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | delete text resource container succeed |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | Text Resource container does not found |
Import Text Resource container
Import Text Resource container from Text resource file
Successfully imported a text resource container or overrode an existing one.
POST /api/rest/v2/localization/container/import
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*upfile | file | The Text resource file. It must be a valid resx file. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | the importing text resource container is successful. |
400 | When the text resource file is invalid or contains invalid data. |
401 | Unauthorized |
Retrieve all existing LDAP attribute definitions
If the LDAP attribute definitions exist, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes LDAP attribute definitions object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/ldapattributedefinitions[?pageIndex&pageSize&sortBy&sortOrder]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
pageIndex | integer | Page index want to return. If 0 or invalid page index will set to 1 and page size set to 1000 |
pageSize | integer | Page size want to return. If 0 or invalid page size will set to 1000 and page index set to 1. Maximum value of page size is 1000. If input pageSize > 1000, then page size is 1000 |
sortBy | string | Sort field supported values are: ldapAttributeName, displayName. If sortBy is blank (or invalid value) then sortBy has default value is ldapAttributeName |
sortOrder | string | Ascending | The sortOrder is Ascending or Descending. If sortOrder is Descending, list of returned objects will be sorted by descending. Others, list of returned objects will be sorted by ascending. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the will response the found LDAP attribute definitions. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Create a LDAP attribute definition
Successful creating LDAP attribute definition is indicated with a 200 ("created") response code.
POST /api/rest/v2/ldapattributedefinitions
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*ldapAttributeDefinition | a LDAP attribute definition json object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Creating a LDAP attribute definition is successful and it will return a LDAP attribute definition in response body. |
400 | When the LDAP attribute definition json is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
409 | When the LDAP attribute definition json is conflict, example: LDAP attribute name is exist in DB. |
Update an existing LDAP attribute definition by json object
Successful updating LDAP attribute definition is indicated with a 200 ("Updated") response code.
PUT /api/rest/v2/ldapattributedefinitions
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*ldapAttributeDefinition | a rest LDAP attribute definition json object |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Updating a LDAP attribute definition is successful and it will return an updated LDAP attribute definition in response body. |
400 | When the LDAP attribute definition json is invalid. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | When the LDAP attribute definition is not found by name. |
Get an existing LDAP attribute definition by its attribute name.
If the LDAP attribute definition exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/ldapattributedefinitions/{ldapAttributeName}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*ldapAttributeName | string | LDAP attribute name |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the will response the found LDAP attribute definition. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there is no data found |
Delete an existing LDAP attribute definition by its attribute name.
If the data exists and the operation is executed successfully, the server responds with a status code of 200.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/ldapattributedefinitions/{ldapAttributeName}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*ldapAttributeName | string | LDAP attribute name |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | If the data was found and deleted |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there is no data found |
Retrieve all LDAP web services
If the LDAP web service exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes LDAP web services json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/ldapwebservices[?pageIndex&pageSize&sortBy&sortOrder]
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
pageIndex | integer | Page index want to return. If 0 or invalid page index will set to 1 and page size set to 1000 |
pageSize | integer | Page size want to return. If 0 or invalid page size will set to 1000 and page index set to 1. Maximum value of page size is 1000. If input pageSize > 1000, then page size is 1000 |
sortBy | string | Sort field supported values are: name, endpointIdentity, serviceUrl. If sortBy is blank (or invalid value) then sortBy has default value is name |
sortOrder | string | Ascending | The sortOrder is Ascending or Descending. If sortOrder is Descending, list of returned objects will be sorted by descending. Others, list of returned objects will be sorted by ascending. |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the response is a LDAP web services found. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
Create a new LDAP web service
Create a new LDAP web service
POST /api/rest/v2/ldapwebservices
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*ldapwebservice | The LDAP web service to create |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | the creation request is successful and result will include the newly created SCIM organization json object. |
400 | Invalid data supplied |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
409 | Conflicting request |
500 | Unexpected server error |
Update an existing LDAP web service
Update an existing LDAP web service
PUT /api/rest/v2/ldapwebservices
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*ldapwebservice | The LDAP web service to update |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | the updation request is successful and result will include the updated SCIM organization json object. |
400 | Invalid data supplied |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
409 | Conflicting request |
500 | Unexpected server error |
Test Service Connection
Test Service Connection
POST /api/rest/v2/ldapwebservices/pingserviceconnection
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*ldapwebservice | The LDAP web service to test |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | The notification message success or fail. |
400 | Invalid data supplied |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
409 | Conflicting request |
500 | Unexpected server error |
Retrieve a LDAP web service by name
If the LDAP web service exists, the server responds with a status code of 200 and includes LDAP web services json object in the body of the response.
GET /api/rest/v2/ldapwebservices/{ldapWebServiceName}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*ldapWebServiceName | string | The LDAP web service's name |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the request is success and the response is a LDAP web service found by name. |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If there is no LDAP web service found |
Delete an existing LDAP web service by its name
If the LDAP web service exists and the operation is executed successfully, the server responds with a status code of 200.
DELETE /api/rest/v2/ldapwebservices/{ldapWebServiceName}
Name | Type | Value | Notes |
*ldapWebServiceName | string | The LDAP web service's name |
Status Code | Description | Samples |
200 | Indicate the delete request is success. |
400 | When LDAP web service name is empty or invalid |
401 | Unauthorized |
403 | Forbidden |
404 | If the LDAP web service not found |