Passing Request parameters as JWTs
The request Authorization Request parameter enables OpenID Connect requests to be passed in a single, self-contained parameter and to be optionally signed and/or encrypted. It represents the request as a JWT whose Claims are the request parameters specified in Section 3.1.2. This JWT is called a Request Object. You can use either the request or the request_uri send a request object in an authorization request to Identify OAuth 2.0/OIDC authorization server.
Discovery endpoint
You can check the discovery endpoint of your Identify instance to see if it has support for the Request parameter feature:
"request_parameter_supported": true,
"request_uri_parameter_supported": true,
"require_request_uri_registration": false,
"request_object_signing_alg_values_supported": ["RS256"]
Dynamic registration endpoint
The dynamic registration endpoint supports the request_uris parameter. You can use it to pre-register request_uri values which your OIDC application uses.
UI to register the list of request_uris
In addition to the dynamic registration endpoint, you can register or update the request_uris through the Safewhere Admin interface.
Request object
You can pass a request object either by the "request" or the "request_uri" parameter. The request object content can be signed (with the RS256) or not.
An example of a request parameter which has some parameters put in the request object and some others in the request url paremeters:
The request object is:
"response_type": "code",
"client_id": "clientId_5BC0M3L3FVN7JB8",
"scope": "openid",
"redirect_uri": "",
"state": "jD6jn3ANqZCDtN0x",
"nonce": "99A7Y5mjZmJRX0uA",
"whr": "urn:https://test.safewhere.local/adfs/services/trust"
When an authorization request uses a valid request object but also put all the same parameters in the request url paremeters, the parameters in the request object takes precedence over the ones in url parameters:
The full list of those parameters are:
- scope
- max_age
- response_mode
- state
- prompt
- id_token_hint
- nonce
- redirect_uri
- whr
Request object validation notes
When the user does a login to an OIDC application, Identify will stop at an error page (instead of redirecting the user to the application) if one of the following validation fails:
- Invalid request object: [request] and [request_uri] can not be used in the same authorization request.
- The Request URI must be an HTTPS schema URI.
- The Request uri cannot be found in the pre-register request_uris.
- Client id is not valid; client_id in request object must be the SAME as the one in OAuth request syntax.
- Response type is not valid; response_type in request object must be the SAME as the one in OAuth request syntax.
- The request and request_uri parameters MUST NOT be included in Request Objects.
- It is unable to load jwt from request_uri.
- Request Object Jwt cannot be read.
- Missing 'alg' header value in the JWT.
If the JWT is signed, the following errors with corresponding error messages may occur:
- Invalid setting: The jwks_uri and jwks parameters MUST NOT be used together.
- It is unable to load jwks from "ClientJwksUri".
- Invalid setting: Client jwks is not configured yet, please check the appropriate settings again.
- Invalid setting: Signing credential which is used for signing the Request Object could not be found on client's jwks, please check the appropriate settings again.
- The Request Object is not in JWS Compact serialized format.
- The request object is invalid due to the following error: [Signing token validation failed message].