Support localization for the Identify resource objects
We understand that international clients who are not native speaking English or Danish might experience comprehensive issues. Thus Safewhere Identify makes it possible to localize the majority of the UI so that everyone can operate comfortably. There are a number of places in Identify where object names are used as labels. This could, for example, be a claim type called "phone", which will then appear in the user form and "My profile" form, so that users can insert the phone number. When an object name can be localized you will see a button next to the field as in the example below:
The objects that currently support localized texts are:
- Claim
- Claim set
- Organization
- Authentication Connection
- Protocol Connection
- Fields configuration
When a user views any form in which an object appears, that does not have the user’s language specified, the so-called "fallback rules" will take over.
Localization fallback affects on both Admin page and Runtime page:
- For Admin page: if a text is not found in a specific language, it will fall back to the default text (which is the one specified in the field to the left of the localization button). If such a default text does not appear, it will use the actual "technical" name of the object.
- For Runtime page: if a text is not found in a specific language, fallback to the text of the configurable default language specified in web.config on Runtime. And if it is not found again, fallback to use the default text (which is the one specified in the field to the left of the localization button). If such a default text does not appear, it will use the actual "technical" name of the object.
When user inserts/changes the localized text,they will display on Runtime without any reset from the IIS.
When opening the claim/claim set/Organization/Authentication/Protocol/Fields configuration form, and clicking on the "Edit localized text" button, the following form will be displayed.
The language form consists of 2 fields:
- Localized text: The name that will be used for the object for the specified language.
- Language: A dropdown list containing the supported languages. The default countries are initialized from the "DefaulLocalizedTextResourcesCultures" key on Admin (location: \admin\Themes\Default\Settings\ IdentifyWebAdminConfiguration.config).
To add a new localized text, input the localized text and its language in the dropdown and click the ‘Add’ button. This will add it to the list below that. To remove/update a localized text, you can click the ‘Remove’ button or ‘Edit’ button.
Please view this article for more details about localizing Safewhere Identify.