Using device-bound passkey in Safewhere Identify
Continue with the Passkey authentication guide. This document explains how to use passkeys stored in a security key (Yubikey) with Safewhere Identify.
According to passkey types, device-bound passkeys are FIDO authentication credentials that stay on the device they were issued to (typically, a security key) and do not sync elsewhere. To sign in to an online service with a device-bound passkey, the user plugs in or taps the security key to the new device.
Second factor authentication on a Windows machine using a passkey in a Yubikey
In this demonstration:
- A user accesses Safewhere Admin on a Windows machine and successfully signs in with the first factor authentication.
- During the second factor authentication phase, the user chooses to save a passkey to a Yubikey.
- The user logs out of Safewhere Admin.
- The user re-accesses Safewhere Admin on a Windows machine and successfully signs in with the first factor authentication.
- During the second factor authentication phase, the user's passkey in the Yubikey is selected to authenticate the user.
- The user inputs the Yubikey's PIN and touches the Yubikey to complete the login.
To set up necessary connections in Identify, follow these steps:
- Create an OTP connection for WebAuthn as shown below. To save a passkey to a Yubikey, set the Authenticator type setting to Cross platform.
- Set the OTP connection as the second factor of another identity provider (a Username & Password identity provider is used in this demonstration).
After that, a user can log in and create a passkey:
- Access Safewhere Admin on a Windows machine and successfully sign in with the first factor authentication.
- During the second factor authentication phase, select the Security key option to save a passkey.
- Click the OK button on the Security key setup form.
- Click the OK button on the Continue setup form.
- Insert the security key into the USB port.
- Input the Yubikey PIN (if any).
- Touch the Yubikey.
- The passkey is successfully saved to the Yubikey.
The user can now log in using the newly created passkey:
Re-access Safewhere Admin on a Windows machine and successfully sign in with the first factor authentication.
During the second factor authentication phase, select the Security key option to use the passkey in the Yubikey.
- Insert the security key into the USB port.
- Touch the Yubikey to complete the login.