Application insights
Azure application insights (AI) is a great tool to monitor operations of Safewhere Identify. You can enable AI for your Identify instances in a few simple steps:
Copy its instrumentation key.
Open the web.config files of the Admin and Runtime sites and add a new key to its
section:<add key="ApplicationInsightsInstrumentationKey" value="Your instrumentation key goes here" />
Use your Identify instance and check the AI account to see if data is logged correctly.
Identify has supported configuring Application Insights logging on the Logging page since version 5.12.
Customizing collected data
You can customize what data should be collected by modifying the ApplicationInsights.config file found in the bin folders.
Dependency telemetry
We disable the dependency telemetry by default. Identify, when using SQL Server (not Azure SQL database), uses database dependency for cache invalidation. This means that if the telemetry is turned on, it will collect a huge number of dependency events which overshadow all other more important events.
Performance counters
You can instruct Application Insights to collect additional performance counters by adding your counters into the ApplicationInsights.config file. Below is an example to collect some Identify's custom cryptographic performance counters:
<Add PerformanceCounter="\Safewhere Identify runtime(https:__dev.safewhere.local_runtime_)\Average Cryptographic Signing sec/Operation" ReportAs="Average Cryptographic Signing sec per Operation" />
<Add PerformanceCounter="\Safewhere Identify runtime(https:__dev.safewhere.local_runtime_)\Average Cryptographic Signature Verifying sec/Operation" ReportAs="Average Cryptographic Signature Verifying sec per Operation" />
<Add PerformanceCounter="\Safewhere Identify runtime(https:__dev.safewhere.local_runtime_)\Average Cryptographic Encryption sec/Operation" ReportAs="Average Cryptographic Encryption sec per Operation" />
<Add PerformanceCounter="\Safewhere Identify runtime(https:__dev.safewhere.local_runtime_)\Average Cryptographic Decryption sec/Operation" ReportAs="Average Cryptographic Decryption sec per Operation" />
where the https:__dev.safewhere.local_runtime_
is the instance name, which is formed by using the original tenant's Entity ID and replacing all '/' characters with '_'.