Claim transformation
If you are a member of the role ClaimTransformation, you will see a main tab called "Claim Transformations". You can use this to set up claim pipeline transformation rules that can be attached to Authentication Connection and Protocol Connection.
Claim Transformations are steps in the claim pipeline that transform the claim set attached to a token. The way in which this transformation is done depends on the type of Claim Transformation object. When you click the New button, you will see that we offer nine different types. (Notice that "Create Organization" is not a Claim Transformation object. Administering objects in organizations is explained in the Organization Administration article.
Let us look at each of these Claim Transformation objects in turn.
- Claim value transformation
- Mapping claim
- Exclude Pass-through claims
- Exclude Identify claims
- Claim filter
- SQL transformation
- External transformation
- LDAP claim transformation
- User account update transformation
- NameID format transformation
- Scripting transformation
- "Remove duplicate" transformation
Using regular expressions in Claim transformation objects
To understand the syntax used, please refer to the following page:
The main variable used in expressions will obviously be claim types. In order to use a claim type as a variable, it needs to have a variable name. You will see that claims from version 3.3 have had the possibility of variable names added.
Three global keywords are initialized to use as variable names, namely:
- identifyname: The Safewhere Identify Name of a user
- organization: The organization that the user belongs to
- group: The group that the user belongs to
To give you a brief about how the regular expressions work, below are some basic condition samples using lucene queries:
Assume Identify is set up with the following claim types:
- 'Email Address' claim type whose variable name is email
- 'Year of Birth' claim type whose variable name is birth year
All tokens meet the condition as described in the following examples will be exposed to the Transformation step:
Syntax | Explaination | Example |
Keyword matching | The tokens whose claim type assigned as variable name contains the specific word. | email:gmail =>Value of 'email' claim type is'gmail' email:"" =>Value of 'email' claim type is the "" phrase. |
Wildcard matching | To perform a single-character wildcard search, use the "?" symbol. To perform a multiple-character wildcard search, use the "*" symbol. | email:gma?l =>Value of 'email' claim type matches with the given word with the single word replaced: gmail, gmael, gmaul... email:gmail* =>Value of "email" claim type is starting with "gmail":, email:g*mail =>Value of 'email' claim type starting with "g" and ending with "mail": gmail, googlemail,... |
Proximity matching | A claim type whose value contains words are within a specific distance away. To do a proximity search, use the tilde, "~", symbol at the end of a phrase | email:"gmailcom"~20 =>Value of 'email' claim type contains gmail and com words within 20 words of each other. |
Range search | A claim type whose value is between a specific range (the lower and upper bound).Range can be inclusive [] or exclusive () of the upper and lower bounds. | birthyear:[1900 TO 2000] =>Value of birthyear claim type must be from 1900 to 2000 inclusive. birthyear:(1900 TO 2000) =>Value of birthyear claim type must be from 1900 to 2000 exclusive. |
Boolean operators & Grouping | Boolean operators allow terms to be combined through logic operators: AND, OR, NOT. Combined with grouping, we can form more complex condition expressions. | email:gmail OR email:safewhere =>Value of 'email' claim type is either "gmail" OR "safewhere" email:gmail AND group:admin =>Value of 'email' claim type is "gmail" AND group is "admin" email:gmail AND NOT birthyear:2000 =>Value of 'email' claim type is "gmail" AND birthday is not "2000" (email:gmail OR email:safewhere) AND group:admin => Value of 'email' is either "gmail" OR "safewhere" AND group is "admin" |
Escaping Special Characters | The current list special characters are +-&&!(){}[]||^"~*?:, which is a part of query syntax. In order to escape a special character, use \ before it. | email:a\*b =>Value of 'email' claim type must be a*b |